[Department of Health] Chief Medical Officer ask doctors to participate in the public debate on alcohol. (08 Feb 2012)
External website: http://health.gov.ie/blog/press-release/chief-medi...
Following the publication yesterday of the National Substance Misuse Strategy Steering Group Report, Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer and Chair of the group has today (8th February, 2012) asked the various medical colleges, the HSE and the Defence Forces to disseminate a letter to all doctors in Ireland asking them to get involved in the debate on alcohol.
"Doctors in Ireland are fully aware of the dreadful effects of alcohol on people", said Dr Holohan. "They see the harm that alcohol misuse causes and therefore, with the publication of the report on Alcohol from the Steering Group, it is important that they contribute to the debate - providing their unique experience into treating adults and children affected."
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