McHugh, JC and Murph, RP and Sobocki, P (2007) Cost of Disorders of the Brain in Ireland. Irish Medical Journal, 100, (7), pp. 518-521.
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The "Cost of Disorders of the Brain in Europe" (CBDE) study was conducted by the European Brain Council (EBC) to estimate prevalence and cost of the twelve leading disorders encountered in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. The data for Ireland are presented here. Prevalence and costing information was obtained by structured review of published literature for each country. Where such information was lacking, figures were estimated from European data. Costs included direct medical, direct non-medical, and indirect costs. None of the costs presented here are directly from Irish data and the prevalence figures are mostly estimated from known European rates. In 2004, 1.1 million people in Ireland were affected by a disorder of the brain. Total cost of included disorders in Ireland was 3.0 billion Euro, representing 3% of gross national product, and costing each Irish citizen Euro 775 per year. Brain disorders are prevalent and pose significant economic burden in Ireland.
The number of cases with addiction in Ireland totalled 74000. This includes illicit drug and alcohol dependence, and excludes nicotine.
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