[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 237 - Prison service [17683/10]. (05 May 2010)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
237. Deputy Catherine Byrne asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the quantity of drugs seized in Mountjoy Prison and in St. Patrick’s Institution in 2009 and to date in 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Deputy Dermot Ahern): The Irish Prison Service does not have the facility to test substances found or seized and therefore cannot state definitively the type or value of drugs seized. Gardaí are contacted once suspected drug seizures are made and issues of investigation and prosecution fall within their remit.
Figures relating to Mountjoy Prison and St. Patrick’s Institution are set out as follows.
Prison/Place of Detention
Number of suspected Drug Seizures in 2009
Number of suspected Drug Seizures in 2010 (until 18 April)
Mountjoy Prison (male)
St. Patrick’s Institution
The Irish Prison Service continues to work to implement its Drug Policy & Strategy, entitled “Keeping Drugs Out of Prison”, which was launched in May 2006. Working to fulfil the commitments contained in the policy and strategy involves the implementation of stringent measures to prevent drugs from getting into prisons while, at the same time, continuing to invest in services within prisons to reduce the demand for illicit drugs in the prisoner population as well as meeting prisoners treatment and rehabilitative needs.
Drug users present with multiple and complex problems. The evidence would indicate that a multi-disciplinary approach is needed to effectively care for this group and that maintenance of a personalised therapeutic relationship yields the best outcomes. Prisoners have access to a range of medical and rehabilitative services such as psychosocial services and work and training options which assist in addressing their substance misuse issues.
The Irish Prison Service has committed significant investment in recent years in responding to addiction issues in the prison system. The most significant new development was the awarding of a contract for addiction counselling services to Merchants Quay Ireland. The Addiction Counselling Service is, in conjunction with other developments, now delivering nearly 1000 hours per week of prisoner access to addiction counselling across the prison system.
Vol. 708 No. 1
Written Answers – Prison service
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Item Type
Dail Debates
Publication Type
Drug Type
Substances (not alcohol/tobacco)
Intervention Type
Harm reduction, Crime prevention
5 May 2010
MM-MO Crime and law > Justice system > Correctional system and facility > Prison
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal drug possession (seizures)
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Dublin
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal transportation of drugs (smuggling / trafficking)
MM-MO Crime and law > Crime > Substance related crime > Crime associated with substance production and distribution
T Demographic characteristics > Person in prison (prisoner)
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal drug possession (seizures)
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland > Dublin
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal transportation of drugs (smuggling / trafficking)
MM-MO Crime and law > Crime > Substance related crime > Crime associated with substance production and distribution
T Demographic characteristics > Person in prison (prisoner)
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