[Department of Health and Children] Minister Wallace warns alcohol advertising executives of the need for full compliance with the new advertising codes. (04 Jun 2008)
External website: http://health.gov.ie/blog/press-release/minister-w...
Ms Mary Wallace T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children with special responsibility for Health Promotion and Food Safety today (4th June 2008) warned advertising executives for the main Irish alcohol brands of the need for full compliance with the revised Codes on Advertising, Marketing and Sponsorship.
Speaking at a briefing session on the revised Codes organised for alcohol companies’ advertising executives and their advertising agencies, the Minister said that Government was extremely concerned about the impact of alcohol advertising on young people in particular. The revised Codes seek to control the content and volume of alcohol advertising across all media in Ireland. A significant element of the new Codes will be the placing of an upper limit of 25% on the volume of all alcohol advertising. This means that alcohol advertising will be limited to no more than 25% of available space or time across all Irish media i.e. TV, Radio, Cinema, Outdoor Advertising and the Print Media. New restrictions will also deal with alcohol advertising or sponsorship during the broadcasting of sports programmes. In tandem, the Department of Health and Children will commence a process to identify areas in relation to alcohol advertising, promotions and sponsorships where legislative measures might be necessary to afford greater protection to young people. This process would encompass areas outside of the scope of the existing codes on advertising. “Adherence to and implementation of the revised codes on Alcohol Marketing and Sponsorship will be one of the important factors for Government to consider in deciding what further measures might be necessary” the Minister said. The revised codes will be published shortly and come into effect for new contracts on 1st July, 2008 and for all existing contracts by 1st October, 2008.
B Substances > Alcohol
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance use laws > Alcohol laws (liquor licensing)
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Financial management > Sponsorship
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Marketing and public relations (advertising)
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