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[Irish Independent] , Horan, Niamh Alcohol 'still most usual date rape drug'. (16 Apr 2018)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Antidote action plan to tackle drug more deadly than heroin. (29 Jan 2018)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh FAI seeks easing of alcohol rules. (31 Mar 2013)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Fr McVerry: State failures mean people can't get clean from drugs. (03 Sep 2017)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh 'I was picture perfect on the outside but broken underneath'. (01 Sep 2019)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh 'If our house prices rise, so does cocaine use and we are at it again' - Dr Chris Luke says drug played a role in the crash. (18 Dec 2017)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Just 250 bars sign up to 'designated driver' offer for Christmas period. (17 Dec 2018)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh 'Ladies who lunch' get medical implants to beat cravings for wine. (18 Apr 2016)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Mayor backs use of mobile injecting units in city. (13 Oct 2013)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Unhealthy living is creating ticking cancer timebomb. (14 Jul 2014)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh Women need to face facts about the link between rape and drinking. (13 Jun 2016)
[Independent.ie] , Horan, Niamh 'You don't hear of the boys in well-off areas being stopped'. (09 Mar 2014)