Disorders due to substance use include disorders that result from a single occasion or repeated use of substances that have psychoactive properties, including certain medications. Disorders related to fourteen classes or groups of psychoactive substances are included. Typically, initial use of these substances produces pleasant or appealing psychoactive effects that are rewarding and reinforcing with repeated use. With continued use, many of the included substances have the capacity to produce dependence. They also have the potential to cause numerous forms of harm, both to mental and physical health. Disorders due to harmful non-medical use of non-psychoactive substances are also included in this grouping.
Classified under this heading in ICD-11 are:
6C40 Disorders due to use of alcohol
6C41 Disorders due to use of cannabis
6C42 Disorders due to use of synthetic cannabinoids
6C43 Disorders due to use of opioids
6C44 Disorders due to use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics
6C45 Disorders due to use of cocaine
6C46 Disorders due to use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone
6C47 Disorders due to use of synthetic cathinones
6C48 Disorders due to use of caffeine
6C49 Disorders due to use of hallucinogens
6C4A Disorders due to use of nicotine
6C4B Disorders due to use of volatile inhalants
6C4C Disorders due to use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA
6C4D Disorders due to use of dissociative drugs including ketamine and phencyclidine [PCP]
6C4E Disorders due to use of other specified psychoactive substances, including medications
6C4F Disorders due to use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, including medications
6C4G Disorders due to use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substances
6C4H Disorders due to use of non-psychoactive substances
6A41 Catatonia induced by substances or medications
6C4Y Other specified disorders due to substance use
6C4Z Disorders due to substance use, unspecified
Disorders due to addictive behaviours
[For DSM notes see also, article from 2013, DSM-5 Criteria for substance use disorders: recommendations and rationale, and from the 2016 online book Impact of the DSM-IV to DSM-5 changes on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health]
See also, What is a substance use disorder? by the American Psyciatric Association