National Advisory Committee on Drugs. (2003) An overview of cocaine use in Ireland. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs.
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This publication, published by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD), provides a thorough overview of the cocaine situation in Ireland. It covers the effects and risks of the drug as well as the legislation covering it. Prevalence figures from various surveys are included, with the NACD and DAIRU survey showing that 3% of the adult population in Ireland reporting using cocaine powder in their lifetime, with a smaller figure of .5% for crack cocaine use. Garda Síochána data on Offences under the misuse of drugs act show a substantial increase in offences relating to cocaine, from 11 cases in 1990 to almost 300 cases in 2001. However cocaine offences make up only 3% of drug offences compared with cannabis (60%) and ecstasy (27%).
In two new studies, UISCE (Union for Improved Services, Communication and Education) and Merchants Quay Ireland (MQI) interviewed clients about their cocaine use. In the UISCE survey of 100 clients, 58% reported injecting cocaine, 55% said they smoked cocaine and 37% said they smoked crack cocaine. Almost half of those interviewed (48%) said they used cocaine on a weekly basis with 42% using on a daily basis, on average 4 times a day. The UISCE survey reported high levels of polydrug use. The MQI survey also reported high levels of polydrug use, with heroin the primary drug for this group (59%) with only 19% listing cocaine as their primary drug. 82% reported injecting with 15% smoking. The majority (59%) of those who injected cocaine injected it by itself with 41% mixing it with heroin. Almost half of the clients admitted weekly use, with 20% reporting daily use. A third reported weekly use of crack and 5% reported daily use.
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