Ireland. Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs. (2001) National Action Plan against poverty and social exclusion (NAPincl) 2001-2003. Dublin: Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.
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Ireland’s NAPincl provides an overview of a wide variety of initiatives, being worked on by the Irish Government, to drive forward the social inclusion agenda, touching every aspect of Government. The Plan is grounded in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness and the National Development Plan and the actions ensuing from these programmes. The NAPincl is the result of a consultative process involving the Social Partners, Government Departments and relevant Agencies.
Ireland ’s NAPincl reflects the state of the National Anti-Poverty Strategy (NAPS) at present, as a work-in-progress. The Strategy is currently being reviewed and revised by way of an extensive process of involvement of stakeholders. This process will culminate in the publication of a revised Strategy in November 2001. Future plans submitted to the EU will be consistent with, and contingent upon, the findings of the NAPS review and will also reflect EU developments in this area.
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