Home > European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prisons.

European Commission. (2001) European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prisons. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

The European Network on Drugs and Infection Prevention in Prison (ENDIPP) is one of the projects funded through the European Commission's Public Health Programme. This is a pan-European network across 27 European Union member states which has funding for the next three years. It is coordinated jointly by two organisations: the Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands and Cranstoun Drug Services in the United Kingdom.. Both organisations have extensive experience in tackling drugs and associated infections in prisons.

The new network will provide a sustainable and flexible platform for prison services, researchers, non-governmental organisations and other international organisations to collect, produce, promote and exchange information on best practices and research into reduction of drug demand and the prevention of communicable diseases in European prisons.

Its aim is to coordinate efforts in all countries to tackle the health and social consequences of drug use and the spread of infectious diseases in prisons, as well as facilitate the efforts of all participants to reintegrate drug dependent offenders into society

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