Baker, Oswin, ed. Fountain, Jane and Howes, Samantha (2002) Home and dry? homelessness and substance use. London: Crisis.
This research project was initiated to provide that evidence base. A key aspect of the study has been to ensure that an improved understanding of the relationship between homelessness and substance use will have practical relevance for improving and developing service provision.The conclusions therefore focus on how services can be developed to better meet the needs of homeless people who are also drug or alcohol users.
There were three parts to the study. Interviews with 389 homeless people were conducted in London – one of the largest surveys in Britain looking at homelessness and drugs. The only criterion for inclusion in the study was sleeping rough for at least six nights in the last six months. In-depth, themed interviews with service providers were also conducted. These interviews were designed to provide insight into what practitioners see as the key issues when providing services to homeless drug users. Some of these people therefore came from the drug sector and others from the homelessness field.
Finally, in the autumn of 2001, we re-visited London-based service providers in a series of meetings to find out whether and how their experiences had changed in the intervening year.We used this information to shape the final direction of the report.
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