Home > Drug and alcohol misuse prevention strategy.

South Eastern Health Board. (1999) Drug and alcohol misuse prevention strategy. (Unpublished) Kilkenny: South Eastern Health Board.

PDF (Drug and alcohol misuse prevention strategy)

This document outlines the South Eastern Health Board's response to the European Action Plan to Combat Drugs. A regional committee was established to draw up a drug and alcohol misuse strategy. It recommended the following measures: health promotion & prevention programmes; treatment & rehabilitation for substance misusers; the research and auditing of incidents of substance abuse; the training of relevant staff members to professional level; the expansion of demand reduction programmes; the development research proven intervention; the forwarding of relevant statistics to the Health Research Board; the development of peer training programmes for parents and young people; the establishment of local co-ordination committees in each community care area. Various projects and programmes in the SEHB region are detailed.

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