European Union Drugs Agency. A new network of forensic and toxicology laboratories to strengthen EU preparedness on drugs. (12 Nov 2024)
External website:
The European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) is convening the inaugural meeting of its newly established network of forensic and toxicological laboratories, a key initiative outlined in its new mandate. This network will play a critical role in supporting EU preparedness on drugs. The primary purpose of the meeting is to review initial progress in setting up the network and to outline its operational framework. It will also provide a platform for experts from across Europe to connect, exchange views and best practice, and explore ongoing challenges in the drugs field. The meeting will be divided into two sessions.
Session 1: Establishing the network — This session will focus on the network’s foundations, including key concepts, development, organisational structure and communication tools. It will also introduce initial planned projects which aim to provide direct support to members of the network to enhance resilience and preparedness.
Session 2: Multidisciplinary perspectives and challenges — This session will feature insights from a range of partners and other networks and projects. It will highlight collaborative efforts and synergies to improve harmonisation, quality assurance, clinical and forensic toxicology practices, and reflection on new developments and trends.
The meeting will conclude with an open discussion to explore opportunities for cooperation.
Facts about the network:
Key tasks
Regulation (EU) 2023/1322 (Article 15) introduces the network, designed to enhance the EU's ability to tackle health and security challenges posed by psychoactive drugs. Article 15 describes that the network will act primarily as a forum for:
- generating data and exchanging information on new developments and trends;
- organising training to enhance the competence of forensic drug and toxicology experts;
- supporting the implementation of quality assurance schemes; and
- supporting the further harmonisation of data collection and analytical methods.
Network structure and operations
The EUDA chairs the network, convening at least one meeting per year and financing specific projects as needed to advance the network’s objectives.
Membership and collaboration
EU Member States, Turkey, and Norway can appoint up to three specialised laboratories to the network via the EUDA Management Board, ensuring national representation in forensic analysis, toxicology and related fields. In addition, the EUDA may invite other laboratories or experts to participate in specific projects. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is a member of the network representing the European Commission. To avoid overlaps, the network will cooperate closely with other networks and organisations active in related fields and take account of their work.
E Concepts in biomedical areas > Pharmacology and toxicology
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Identification and screening > Identification and screening for substance use > Drug checking / testing service
VA Geographic area > Europe
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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