Home > Morbidity statistics in the EU: report on pilot studies – 2023 edition.

Eurostat. (2024) Morbidity statistics in the EU: report on pilot studies – 2023 edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

PDF (Morbidity statistics in the EU: report on pilot studies – 2023)

Eurostat and EU Member States have been working towards producing statistics on morbidity since 1998. Pilot studies were carried out in 2005-11 (1), followed by an inventory project with participation of 15 Member States. National pilot studies were again carried out in 2019 to 2021 as part of the Morbidity Statistics (MORB) project, co-funded by the European Commission (Eurostat). This document reports the results of these national pilot studies. The purpose of the MORB project was to verify the feasibility of a regular data collection on morbidity statistics. The collection started from a shortlist of clearly defined indicators developed through earlier projects. For an overview of the shortlist indicators, see Table A of the report. The overall aim was to develop a regular data compilation for a selected set of diseases within the European Statistical System (ESS) to provide a general picture of diagnosis-specific morbidity at population level. The countries reporting their results were Belgium (BE), Croatia (HR), Finland (FI), France (FR), Hungary (HU), Lithuania (LT), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL) and Poland (PL).

Pilot indicators investigated in the MORB project includes (p.57) Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol (incl. alcohol dependence) and Alcoholic liver disease (p.72) [and data tables later in the report].

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