[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Vol. 1056 No. 4. Questions on policy or legislation [cocaine use]. (26 Jun 2024)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
Deputy Alan Kelly: This week the Health Research Board reported an increase in the incidence of cocaine addiction across our country. I believe in a health-led approach to deal with this. We have a real issue, however, with the so-called middle classes in this country creating a narrative that cocaine use is okay. Cocaine is everywhere in society. It is in every corner of Ireland now.
It is in every sporting club. I imagine it is in here. This Chamber needs to lead a challenge against the narrative that cocaine use is okay. It is not okay. I do not believe that only we, collectively as a unit, can deal with this issue in these modern times of social media. We need help. My proposal to the Minister and the Government, and I will lead on this if I must-----
An Ceann Comhairle: I thank the Deputy.
Deputy Alan Kelly: -----is that we get a co-ordinated campaign under way, involving all the leading sporting organisations in this country, to highlight that the narrative around cocaine use is not okay and needs to be challenged.
An Ceann Comhairle: I thank the Deputy. The time is up.
Deputy Alan Kelly: Will the Government lead on this proposal with these organisations?
Deputy Heather Humphreys: I thank the Deputy for raising this issue. He is absolutely right that cocaine use is not okay. The Minister of State, Deputy Colm Burke, has responsibility for this area and I will raise the issue with him. We did increase the funding for the drug and alcohol task forces in last year's budget.
Deputy Alan Kelly: It is the narrative.
Deputy Heather Humphreys: Yes. I know that education plays an important role here. The Deputy is absolutely right that we need to do more on it. There is no doubt that cocaine is a plague in our society.
An Ceann Comhairle: I thank the Minister.
Deputy Heather Humphreys: The consequences and the fallout from the taking of it filter into all parts of family life when it is involved and cause many more problems. I will, therefore, certainly raise the Deputy's issue with the Minister of State.
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