[Department of Health] Minister Burke launches interactive map to facilitate access to 442 publicly-funded drug treatment and family support services. (04 Jun 2024)
External website: https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/54b9e-minister...
The Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Colm Burke has today launched an interactive map of publicly-funded drug treatment and drug-related family support services. The online tool is a partnership between the Department of Health and the Health Research Board and marks the first time a visual database of services has been produced. It features 442 services in receipt of public funding, including services provided directly by the Health Service Executive (HSE) or community-based organisations and residential services funded via the HSE.
The map provides easily navigable information on local services for people looking to access services to address their drug or alcohol use, and for families and concerned others who are struggling to deal with a loved one’s drug or alcohol use. The map complements existing resources such as the drug and alcohol helpline and the drugs.ie website. The map is a commitment in the strategic action 2023-2024 for the national drugs strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery. It also forms part of a project to inform the planning of drug services in the newly-established HSE Health Regions.
Launching the map, Minister Burke said:
"This map is an excellent resource that facilitates individuals to identify and access drug services in the community. People using the database will be directed to services in their community, in line with the Slaintecare principles of delivering the right care in the right place at the right time. "Enhancing access to and delivery of drugs services in the community is a strategic priority in the national drug strategy. Considerable resources have been invested in increasing provision of drug services in recent years. This map is a further initiative to help individuals to navigate and access the wide range of services that are now available for problematic drug and alcohol use. "I want to thank the Health Research Board for their work on this vital resource which will be an invaluable aid to the newly established HSE Health Regions. It will support more informed decision making and service planning of drug and alcohol services across the six regions. I also acknowledge the support of the HSE and the many voluntary and community organisations whose services are featured in the map."
Access the interactive 'services map'.
It will be managed by the Health Research Board and will link with the National Drug Treatment Reporting System to ensure that service information is accurate and up to date. The interactive map of services compliments the existing HSE Drugs & Alcohol Helpline. This service provides a free of charge confidential freephone helpline from Monday to Friday between 9.30am to 5.30pm. The contact details of the helpline, which are included on the webpage or the map of services, are (phone) 1800 459 459 or email helpline@hse.ie
The interactive map provides contact details for each of the services and information on the types of treatment that are available. Members of the public and those providing care in the community can search the map to locate a suitable service and use the contact details provided to make contact with HSE, community-based and residential services via a one-stop information point. Users can search by entering an address in the search box on the left-hand side of the map, or simply by using the zoom function. As well as contact information, the interactive map also provides details on the type of services provided and treatment type available.
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