Home > Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 649 - Health strategies [Strategy SIG] [34091/23].

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Questions 649 - Health strategies [Strategy SIG] [34091/23]. (11 Jul 2023)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2023...

649. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health if he will provide update on the last meeting of the SIG under the National Drugs Strategy chaired by his Department. [34091/23]

Hildegarde Naughton, Minister of State at the Department of Health: The Strategic Implementation Groups (SIGs) were established in 2022 to support the implementation of the 6 new strategic priorities that arose from the midterm review of the National Drugs Strategy. These groups sit under the National Oversight Committee.The strategic priorities strengthen the health-led approach, reflect commitments in the Programme for Government and align with the EU drugs strategy and action plan 2021-2025.Membership of the Groups is comprised of representatives from government departments and agencies, drug and alcohol taskforces and civil society

Independent leadership has been provided to ensure the accountability of all stakeholders. These independent chairs have been assigned to bring impartiality, insight and experience in addressing the challenges of drug and alcohol use.

The SIGs have been tasked with developing strategic actions, which were published on the 29th of June, and with providing oversight on the implementation of these actions.

The chairs of Strategic Implementation Groups report to the National Oversight Committee (NOC) on the progress of their work. The NOC usually meets on a quarterly basis.

The minutes from meetings of the National Oversight Committee are available here: www.gov.ie/en/publication/39e48-national-oversight-committee/#minutes-of-the-meetings-of-the-national-oversight-committee

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