[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Question 262 - Departmental reviews [North Inner-City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force] [28890/23]. (15 Jun 2023)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2023...
- Deputy Neasa Hourigan asked the Minister for Health if he will provide an update on the review into the North Inner-City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force; when this review will be published; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28890/23]
Minister of State at the Department of Health Deputy Hildegarde Naughton: The Department of Health provides €2.249m per annum to community-based drug and alcohol services under the remit of the North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
In November 2021, the task force has informed local services that it is no longer in a position to function. This follows an impasse in the selection of an independent chairperson.
The Department has engaged with stakeholders in the north inner city to establish effective, inclusive, and transparent governance of the task force and of the funding that it allocates.
The Department has concluded a consultation process with members of the task force and other stakeholders on the next steps to re-establish the task force. This involved a series of meetings with public representatives, statutory and non-statutory members of the task force, front-line community and alcohol projects funded under the ambit of the task force, community and service user representatives, staff employed by the task force company and other stakeholders in the north inner city.
I am committed to establishing effective, inclusive and transparent governance of the task force, informed by a review of developments to-date and the consultation process.
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