Central Statistics Office. (2023) Census of population 2022 - summary results. Health, disability, caring and volunteering. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
External website: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p...
Questions on whether people experience a long-lasting condition or have difficulties in undertaking day to day activities have been important components of the census for many years. People were also asked to assess their general health, which allows the production of detailed statistics on the health of the country. The question on unpaid carers generates a range of data on the incidence of caring and the characteristics of people who spend time caring for others. The CSO can also produce comprehensive information about childcare, smoking and volunteering, having introduced new questions in the three areas.
Smoking Tobacco Products
A question on smoking tobacco products was included for the first time in an Irish census in 2022.
- Almost 80% of the population reported they had either never smoked (3,113,712) or given up smoking (974,145).
- Nearly 450,000 people smoked daily, with a further almost 226,500 smoking occasionally.
- This means 13% of the population smoked either daily or occasionally in 2022.
Smoking Tobacco Products by Age and Sex
Higher prevalence of smoking was recorded among people in their 20s and 30s. At all ages, greater numbers of males smoked daily compared to females.
- Nearly a quarter of both daily (23%) and occasional (22%) smokers were aged between 35 and 44.
- Just under a quarter (24%) of people aged 25 to 29 years smoked either daily or occasionally.
- Smoking was more prevalent among males (15%) than females (11%).
General Health and Smoking Frequency
Daily, occasional and former smokers were all less likely to report very good health than the general population and people who never smoked.
- Over 90% of people who never smoked reported very good or good general health.
- Only 79% of people who smoked daily reported very good or good general health.
[See also the figures on the CSO website]
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