[Department of Health] Government agrees to establish a Citizens’ Assembly on drugs use. (14 Feb 2023)
External website: https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/64aa6-governme...
The Government has today (Tuesday 14/02/2023) agreed to establish a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use.
The Citizens’ Assembly will be asked to consider the legislative, policy and operational changes the State could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities and wider society.
Welcoming the Government decision, Government Chief Whip and Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Well Being and the National Drugs Strategy, Hildegarde Naughton T.D. said:
“I’m pleased to confirm that the Government has decided to proceed with the establishment of a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use. The Assembly, which will consist of 99 members of the general public and an independent Chair, will be asked to examine the range of issues around illicit drugs use in Ireland. Very importantly, they will be asked to take into consideration the lived experience of people impacted by drugs use, as well as their families and communities, and to look at international best practice.”
Continuing, Minister Naughton said:
“Drug use affects all members of society, whether directly or through families and communities, and it imposes significant health and financial costs. Involving citizens in decision-making on drugs policy is therefore appropriate. I want to ensure that the voice of young people is heard at the Citizens Assembly, as they can be particularly impacted by drug use. To this end, I have initiated a consultation with young people through Comhairle na nÓg and youth drug projects in disadvantaged areas, which will be presented to the Citizens Assembly for its consideration. I expect we will also see an international component to the Citizens Assembly, to allow for an exchange of good practice with the British-Irish Council work sector on drugs, which Ireland chairs, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, and EU member states.”
Speaking to the next steps in advance of work commencing on the Citizens’ Assembly in April, Minister Naughton said:
“I will bring forward a motion to the Dáil and Seanad Éireann next week, on behalf of the Government, to formally establish the Assembly.”
The Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs use gives effect to a commitment in this area set out in the Programme for Government.
Citizens’ Assemblies have become an important part of Ireland’s democratic process, with previous forums deliberating on a variety of matters including Marriage Equality, the 8th Amendment of the Constitution, Climate Change, Gender Equality and, in 2022, Biodiversity Loss and the type of directly elected mayor and local government structures best suited for Dublin. The reports from Citizens’ Assemblies make a significant contribution to the process of constitutional reform and change.
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