Home > NDARC webinar series presentation. Reaching smoke-free: how can we improve smoking cessation treatment?

Tidly, Bernadett (2022) NDARC webinar series presentation. Reaching smoke-free: how can we improve smoking cessation treatment? National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

External website: https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/resource/reaching-sm...

Bernadett Tidly presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday 24 November, 2022. This webinar explored the provision of smoking cessation treatments, including e-cigarettes, in the context of primary care. It provided an overview of investigations into how smoking cessation treatment provision in the UK could be improved – and the roles prescription e-cigarettes may play – to further reduce the prevalence of smoking and meet England’s smoke-free 2030 target (≤ 5% smoking prevalence). Our speaker's PhD has a focus on reducing the prevalence of smoking in certain disadvantaged groups, such as people who have mental health conditions. [57 minutes]

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