Home > Researcher impact framework: building audience-focused evidence-based impact narratives.

Lima, Giovanna and Bowman, Sarah (2022) Researcher impact framework: building audience-focused evidence-based impact narratives. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin.

PDF (Researcher impact framework: building audience-focused evidence-based impact narratives)

THE CONTEXT: In 2020, Trinity College Dublin embarked on a Research Impact Pilot to begin a discussion to broaden thinking around research impact. The Researcher Impact Framework (RIF) is one of the outputs of the Research Impact Pilot.

THE GAP: There are multiple resources to help researchers plan for and communicate a research project’s predictive impact when applying for funding. Fewer resources have been developed to help individuals communicate their own impact in award applications, funding proposals, and promotion processes. Dr Giovanna Lima, Research Impact Officer based in the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute, and Sarah Bowman, Director of Strategic Engagement and Impact Assessment in the Office of the Dean of Research, created the RIF to address this gap.

OUR ANSWER: The RIF provides a structure for crafting audience-focused, evidence-based impact narratives that connect scholarly activities, reach, use, and relevance data to scientific and societal outcomes. Two bespoke digital databases are included alongside the RIF to encourage and assist researchers in capturing their impact across
a range of scholarly activities.

ANOTHER TOOL FOR THE TOOLBOX: The RIF and databases are designed to be used by researchers, especially when crafting the personal statements, track records, and CVs required for fellowship positions, award applications, and promotions processes. The RIF and the databases supplement the wealth of skills and tools already used by researchers when building their careers or demonstrating the value of their research. While we anticipate researchers will most likely use the RIF for narrating retrospective impact, it may also help with crafting predictive personal impact and planning for impact.

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