Home > The you matter project: pathways to care for STBBIS. A guideline and policy recommendations for STBBI testing and linkage to care in British Columbia provincial correctional settings.

Bartlett, Sofia and Budu, Michael and Buller-Taylor, Terri and Del Rio, Susana and Erickson, Margaret and Hughes, Sarah and Ladak, Amilya and Lee, Chae-Rim and Marion, Terry and McDermid, Jennifer and McMillan, Aaron and McMillan, Brynn and Nooshin, Nikou and Teal, Taylor (2022) The you matter project: pathways to care for STBBIS. A guideline and policy recommendations for STBBI testing and linkage to care in British Columbia provincial correctional settings. Vancouver: BC Centre for Disease Control, Provincial Health Services Authority.

PDF (The you matter project: pathways to care for STBBIS)

People who are incarcerated (PWAI) in Canada are far more affected by sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) such as hepatitis C virus, HIV, hepatitis B virus and syphilis, compared to the overall population. In correctional centres (provincial or federal) many barriers to care for STBBIs have been identified. Therefore, identifying strategies to address these barriers are crucial to increase access to STBBI testing and linkage to care among PWAI.

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