Home > Overview study. An assistance to drug users in European prisons.

Stover, Heino, ed. (2001) Overview study. An assistance to drug users in European prisons. Lisbon: EMCDDA.

PDF (http://www.hipp-europe.org/downloads/england-prisonsanddrugs (abridged))

At its Helsinki meeting in December 1999, the Council of the European Union formally adopted the European Union drugs strategy (2000–04). The strategy has been translated into concrete action in the third EU action plan on drugs. The action plan recommends that the Commission and Member States join efforts to reduce crime linked to drugs, notably juvenile and urban delinquency. Within this context, the EMCDDA contributes proactively to informing policy-makers and the public about drug users and drug addicts in the criminal justice system, including after arrest, alternatives to prison and treatment facilities within the penal system in EU Member States.

In line with EU priorities, the EMCDDA launched the study ‘Assistance to drug users in European Union prisons’ in December 1999. The aim of the study – commissioned from Dr Heino Stöver from the University of Oldenburg – was to provide an overview of the situation and the demand and harm reduction responses in a setting characterised as being enormously relevant to Member States’ efforts to reduce crime linked to drugs. This abridged version highlights the main findings of the extensive research that was undertaken during the course of this project. The full report will be published by ENDHASP (European Network on Drugs and HIV/AIDS Services in Prison) in collaboration with the EMCDDA and will be available by the end of 2001

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