Home > Framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol (EAPA), 2022 – 2025. Draft 13th March 2022.

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2022) Framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol (EAPA), 2022 – 2025. Draft 13th March 2022. Geneva: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

PDF (Draft Framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol) - Published Version

This framework is guided by the overall vision of a WHO European Region free from harm due to alcohol. For the duration of its implementation period of 2022‐2025 it envisions a WHO European Region with considerably reduced morbidity and mortality and ensuing social consequences because of alcohol consumption.

The framework will become the basis of a WHO European Region support package for Member States, with the intention to achieve the operational objectives, to share the operational principles and to prioritise areas of action, as laid out in the forthcoming Action plan (2022–2030) to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol as a Public Health priority. It will include overall policy recommendations as well as recommendations for Member States and for the WHO Secretariat and will be linked to existing

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, International, Report
Drug Type
Intervention Type
March 2022
36 p.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
Corporate Creators
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
Place of Publication

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