Home > Dáil Éireann Debate. Written answers 1377 & 1496 - Health strategies [National Oversight Committee] [63044/21 & 63405/21].

[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann Debate. Written answers 1377 & 1496 - Health strategies [National Oversight Committee] [63044/21 & 63405/21]. (19 Jan 2022)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2022...

1377. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health the steps that are being taken to ensure that family support groups across the State will continue to have representation at national level on the National Oversight Committee; and the way his Department will support an organisation (details supplied) in its ongoing work to put a new national network in place. [63044/21]

1496. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Health if he is considering taking steps to ensure that the family support groups across Ireland will continue to have representation at national level on the national oversight committee; the way the national family support steering group will be supported by his Department in its ongoing work to put a new national network in place; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [63405/21]

Minister of State at the Department of Health: I propose to take Questions Nos. 1377 and 1496 together.

The national drugs strategy, Reducing Harm Supporting Recovery is a health-led response to drug and alcohol use for the period 2017-2025. The strategy is dynamic with the flexibility to adapt to needs that may emerge over the lifetime of the strategy. It is underpinned by a partnership approach between the statutory sector, community organisations, voluntary service providers, service users and Drug and Alcohol Task Forces.

The strategy includes an objective to enable the participation of both users of services and their families:, which is:-

'Promote the participation of service users and their families, including those in recovery, in local, regional and national decision-making structures and networks in order to facilitate their involvement in the design, planning and development of services and policies'. (Objective 4.2)

One of the actions included under this objective is action 4.2.44:-

'Actively supporting frontline services through capacity building measures using evidence-based models of participation in line with best practice'.

In support of this action the Department has provided funding for the organisation referred by the Deputy. This funding ceased following the voluntary closure of the organisation in 2021. The Department remains committed to supporting family support networks and will work with the HSE to provide funding for capacity building measures using evidence-based models of participation in line with best practice to families affected by substance misuse across CHOs.

Reducing Harm Supporting Recovery established a National Oversight Committee to give leadership and direction to support implementation of the strategy. The Committee consists of a cross-sector membership from the statutory, community and voluntary sector, as well as clinical and academic expertise. The strategy outlines indicative membership and provides that the final membership is decided upon by the Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs strategy.

Following the mid-term review of the actions in the national drugs strategy, Reducing Harm Supporting Recovery, new oversight structures to drive the implementation of the strategic priorities for 2021-2025 were established. The new oversight structures are intended to strengthen the partnership approach and give a stronger voice to civil society in developing national policy.

The national oversight committee includes three representatives from the community and voluntary sector, representing Citywide, the National Voluntary Drugs and Alcohol Services and Uisce, the service user organisation. A fourth position remains vacant and a process will be put in place to fill this position.

I am committed to give a stronger voice to civil society organisations in developing national policy, including the lived experience of those affected by drug and alcohol addiction.

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