Home > Ripe for reform: An analytical review of three years of court reporting on child care proceedings.

Corbett, Maria and Coulter, Carol (2021) Ripe for reform: An analytical review of three years of court reporting on child care proceedings. Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.

PDF (Ripe for Reform) - Published Version

This is our eighth analytical report, which is based on three years of court reporting from mid-2018 to mid-2021. It is part of a programme of work commissioned in 2018 and funded by the then Department of Children and Youth Affairs. While the present report was commissioned by the then Department of Children and Youth Affairs, many of its findings and recommendations concern the work of the Child and Family Agency (CFA), mental health and disability services provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the operation of the courts, which falls under the remit of the Department of Justice, the Courts Service of Ireland and the judiciary.

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