[Oireachtas] Dáil Éireann debate. Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality: Statements. (20 Oct 2021)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
...Deputy Thomas Gould: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this matter. I also welcome the budget allocation of €500,000 to increase access to community-based drug and alcohol services for women, ethnic minorities and the LGBTI+ community. However, I ask myself if this Government really understands the depth of the issues facing women in addiction and recovery. Once again women, the LGBTI community and ethnic minorities are all grouped in together, despite the very different and stark challenges that each of these communities face. I hope the Government is familiar with the Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment, SWAAT, survey but just in case it is not, it shows that there is a steady rise in the number of women reporting drug and alcohol problems and there are serious concerns about the fact that women are less likely than men to attend treatment services. Almost all of the women surveyed reported experiencing significant trauma at some point in their lives, including domestic violence, and the report highlighted the lack of supports for women in addiction experiencing domestic violence and other traumas. Some 82% of the women surveyed were mothers and they feared losing their children. The barriers these women face will not be addressed by this Government's budget. The Minister seems to have no plan to begin to remove some of the stigmas or difficulties faced by women in addiction or recovery in this State. There are community groups doing wonderful work in addressing this but the Government did not listen to these groups, never mind the women themselves. I am asking the Government to specifically produce a strategy aimed at tackling barriers experienced by women in addiction and recovery....
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