Home > BelongTo youth services annual report 2020.

BeLonG To Youth Services. (2021) BelongTo youth services annual report 2020. Dublin: BeLong to Youth Project.

PDF (BelongTo youth services annual report 2020) - Published Version

Drug and alcohol service page 19

Our dedicated drug and alcohol service offers a safe and confidential space for LGBTI+ young people to discuss concerns about their drug and alcohol use. Our aim for 2020 was to roll out a new outreach plan offering support and training to youth services, community services, and drug and alcohol services within the North Inner City of Dublin. Our plan was to increase awareness of this service amongst professionals and support them to develop a safe space for LGBTI+ young people within their own services. Due to Covid-19 and the demand for our support services, the implementation of this plan was paused for 2020. Our dedicated Drugs And Alcohol Youth Worker continued to offer support to LGBTI+ young people presenting with substance misuse, while also supporting the needs of LGBTI+ young through digital youth work.

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