Home > HSE corporate plan 2021-2024.

Health Service Executive. (2021) HSE corporate plan 2021-2024. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

PDF (HSE Corporate Plan 2021-2024)

P.4 The OECD Country Health Profile for Ireland 2019 noted that in comparison with other countries, we have made positive progress in life expectancy, but that some members of our community still experience worse outcomes than others; we consume too much alcohol and do not maintain healthy weights; accessibility to services is an issue and we have a lower per population number of practising doctors than elsewhere. 

P.12 Objective 6: Prioritise prevention and early intervention services focusing especially on children’s health, obesity and alcohol harm

We will significantly enhance our focus on prevention and early intervention to improve children’s health and well-being now and into the future; we will reduce the risk factors for chronic disease, with a clear focus on tackling harmful alcohol use and rising obesity rates.

We will establish 9 new community-based integrated alcohol services and roll out a digital support service for harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption (similar to quit.ie) to reduce harmful alcohol consumption.

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