Home > The relevance of dual diagnoses among drug-dependent patients with sleep disorders.

Roncero, Carlos and García-Ullán, Llanyra and Bullón, Alberto and Remón-Gallo, Diego and Vicente-Hernández, Begoña and Álvarez, Ana and Caldero, Amaya and Flores, Andrea and Aguilar, Lourdes (2020) The relevance of dual diagnoses among drug-dependent patients with sleep disorders. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9, (9), 2862. doi: 10.3390/jcm9092862.

External website: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/9/2862

BACKGROUND; Sleep disorders are often associated with drug use. Nearly 70% of patients admitted for detoxification report sleep problems. Dual disorder (DD) is the comorbidity between mental disorders in general and disorders related to psychoactive substance use. The association between substance use and sleep disorders (SD) appears to be bidirectional. Our objective is to analyze the association between sleep disturbance history and drug use pattern (alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and cocaine).

METHODS: Analysis of data in the first interview at the Addictions Unit of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Salamanca Health Care Complex between October 2017 and January 2020. The sample consists of 398 patients. We studied the association between different variables: origin of patients (Inpatient Dual Diagnosis Detoxification Unit (IDDDU) vs. Outpatient Drug Clinic (ODC), presence of affective disorder, psychotic disorder, type of drug used, and treatment.

RESULTS: Of patients with DD, 62% had more delayed sleep induction, sleep fragmentation, early awakening, and nightmares. Outpatients had more difficulty falling asleep because, in many cases, they had not previously sought any medical assistance. On the other hand, 67% of the patients with insomnia presented depression.

CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of a harmful association between DD and SD.

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