Home > Avoiding use of stigmatising descriptors in gambling studies.

Blaszczynski, Alex and Swanton, Thomas B and Gainsbury, Sally M (2020) Avoiding use of stigmatising descriptors in gambling studies. International Gambling Studies, 20, (3), pp. 369-372. https://doi.org/10.1080/14459795.2020.1808774.

External website: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14459...

Editorial: The use of language in reference to individuals experiencing a mental health condition or physical disability can act, potentially inadvertently, to increase stigma and cause personal distress. Although often used as short-hand in referring to someone diagnosed with a disorder or disability, labeling someone (for example, as a ‘schizophrenic’, a ‘paraplegic’, a ‘drug abuser’, or a ‘disordered gambler’) conflates the individual with the condition. This creates the impression that a mental health disorder is a defining feature, characteristic, or stable trait of the individual. In many contexts, this is disrespectful and demeaning, and perpetuates personal and social marginalization. As a field, we must recognize the power of language and the potential for collective nouns that personify disorders to have negative impacts on the people to whom we are referring.

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Open Access, Article
Drug Type
Behavioural addiction
Intervention Type
Harm reduction
Identification #
Page Range
pp. 369-372

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