Home > Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: Update from the EMCDDA expert network, 2020.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: Update from the EMCDDA expert network, 2020. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

PDF (Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe 2020 - technical report)

This 2020 EMCDDA update on drug-related infectious diseases aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation with regard to the epidemiological picture of drug-related infectious diseases in Europe up to January 2020, while highlighting some of the current innovative responses to the problem.

Table of contents
• At a glance
• Introduction
• European overview of HIV trends and prevalence among people who inject drugs
• HIV continuum of care among people who inject drugs: European countries lag behind treatment and viral suppression targets
• European overview of viral hepatitis prevalence among people who inject drugs
• Viral hepatitis: the EMCDDA elimination barometer supports national monitoring
• Local outbreaks of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs
• Promoting evidence-based interventions
• References

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