Tabberer, Sharon and Nelson, Pete and Hoyland-Powell, Vanessa and Maddison, Andrew (2019) Still seldom heard and hard to reach. Still drinking? NEET young people and alcohol consumption in a Northern town. London: Alcohol Change UK.
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In 2008 the researchers undertook a study exploring the drinking careers of young people who are not in education, employment and training (NEET) in a small post-industrial town in England (Nelson and Tabberer 2015). This report presents research which repeated the study with the same cohort of young people described as NEET, in the same geographical location. Recent trends both in the UK and also more widely in an international context suggest adolescent drinking is declining amongst young people, with some groups seemingly bucking this trend including those from deprived areas, or those who are NEET.
This project aimed to look at the transitions of young people described as NEET, in terms of starting, stopping, moderating or increasing their alcohol usage. To see if the characteristics of this group have stayed the same over the last 10 years and if this is reflected in their drinking, or if this group has, like their peers been affected by wider changes and are now decreasing their drinking.
B Substances > Alcohol
F Concepts in psychology > Behaviour > Risk-taking behaviour
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Risk and protective factors > Risk factors
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Harm reduction > Substance use harm reduction
L Social psychology and related concepts > Family > Family and kinship > Family relations > Family role > Role of parent / guardian
T Demographic characteristics > Adolescent / youth (teenager / young person)
VA Geographic area > Europe > United Kingdom
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