Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Therapy relationships that work. Effectiveness Bank Bulletin, 1 - 23 April 2019,
External website: https://findings.org.uk/e-bank.php?s=dy&sf=sfnos
Therapy relationships that work 1: The alliance
First of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association featuring expert advice and amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client–therapist relationship. With the overview of the reviews, these constitute an authoritative resource for treatment staff seeking to develop their relationship skills based on what works in promoting client welfare. This first bulletin focuses on the overall personal and professional bonds between client and therapist.
Therapy relationships that work 2: Elements of the alliance
Second of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association featuring expert advice and amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client–therapist relationship. With the overview of the reviews, these constitute an authoritative resource for treatment staff seeking to develop their relationship skills. This second bulletin focuses on major elements which coalesce into the recovery-promoting bond between client and therapist.
Therapy relationships that work 3: Managing the relationship
How therapists can build and manage the recovery-promoting relationship with the client is the focus of this third bulletin recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association, each featuring expert advice based on amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client-therapist relationship. With the overview of the reviews, these constitute the most authoritative resource yet for treatment staff who want to develop their relationship skills.
Therapy relationships that work 4: Managing perceptions of the treatment
Clients’ perceptions of and reactions to treatment are the focus of this final of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association. Emerging from psychotherapy research worldwide are practical and effective ways to assess, shape and use these perceptions and reactions to improve outcomes for substance use clients.
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Psychosocial treatment method > Individual therapy
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Psychosocial treatment method > Group therapy
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Patient / client care management
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Patient / client attitude toward treatment (experience)
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Provider / worker / staff attitude toward treatment
T Demographic characteristics > Counsellor / Therapist
VA Geographic area > International
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