Mental Health and Addictions Leadership Advisory Council. (2018) Mental health and addictions: realizing the vision 2017. Toronto: Mental Health and Addictions Leadership Advisory Council.
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Over the course of its three-year mandate, the Mental Health and Addictions Leadership Advisory Council has focused its efforts on fulfilling the four overarching objectives of Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy, Open Minds Healthy Minds:
1. Improve mental health and well-being for all Ontarians;
2. Create healthy, resilient, inclusive communities;
3. Identify mental health and addictions problems early and intervene;
4. Provide timely, high quality, integrated, person-directed health and other human services.
Five key recommendations
1. Promote, prevent and intervene early. That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care adopt 5in5 THRIVE, the Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention Action Framework, and use this as a starting point for collaboration with other ministries, governments, and stakeholder organizations to build a coordinated, comprehensive and systematic approach to promotion, prevention and early intervention, and to develop public interest in population wellness.
2. Close critical service gaps. That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care continue to address chronic gaps in youth addictions, psychotherapy, and supportive housing.
3. Build foundations for system transformation. That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care take action toward enhanced governance, equitable access to services, and youth policy reform as key foundations for system transformation.
4. The approach − critical conditions for success. That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care ensure that policies, programs, and practices be developed and implemented in alignment with key guiding principles for system excellence.
5. The path forward − future considerations. That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pursue further study of, and address, additional areas of concern identified by the Council.
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Substance use prevention
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Type of care > Mental health care (Psychiatry / Psychology)
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health care delivery
VA Geographic area > Canada
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