Home > Middle-aged men and suicide in Ireland.

O'Donnell, Shane and Richardson, Noel (2018) Middle-aged men and suicide in Ireland. Dublin: Men's Health Forum in Ireland.

PDF (Middle-aged men and suicide in Ireland) - Published Version

The aim of the report was to explore the factors underpinning the higher suicide rates among middle-aged men at risk of marginalisation. That is to say, men aged 40-59 years old who have at least one other identity characteristic which puts them at greater risk of suicide. The report therefore focuses specifically on middle-aged men who are;

  • Gay
  • Transgender
  • Members of the travelling community
  • Victims of domestic abuse
  • Members of ethnic minority groups
  • Farmers
  • Unemployed
  • Rurally isolated
  • Separated/divorced fathers 

Particular risk factors identified by the report that are associated with increased psychological distress among more marginalised groups of middle-aged men include: mid-life transitions; decreasing life and career opportunities; unfulfilled aspirations and expectations; deteriorating physical health; increasing pressures associated with the provider role at middle-age; societal challenges to middle-aged masculinity; and rejection and isolation. The stigma attached to mental health and to men seeking support was also highlighted as a significant issue.

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