Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 117 - Alcohol sales [9231/18].

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 117 - Alcohol sales [9231/18]. (22 Feb 2018)

External website: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/Debates%20A...

117. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of full and part public alcohol licences issued to private members clubs in the past three years; the establishments (details supplied) in receipt of a licence to sell alcohol; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9231/18]


Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Charles Flanagan): I understand the Deputy’s question to relate to private members clubs that operate on the basis of the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904 to 2008. Those Acts provide for the grant and renewal of a certification of registration by the courts for a bona fide club. The Registration of Clubs Acts permit the sale of intoxicating liquor to members of the club and also to members of the public in certain defined circumstances.


A register of clubs is kept by the Registrar of Clubs i.e. the District Court clerk of the court area in which the club premises is situated. The register contains details of the date of granting of the certificate of registration, whether the certificate was granted for the first time or on renewal, the address of the club, the names and addresses of the officials and the committee of management or governing body of the club and whether the club is tenant or the proprietor and occupier of the premises.


Any person is permitted to inspect this register and a copy of the club rules on payment of the relevant fee.


I am advised by the Courts Service that court statistics are not compiled in such a way as to provide details of the individual clubs which are certified. This information could only be obtained by the expenditure of a disproportionate amount of staff time. I have been advised that 453 club certificates were granted in 2015, 561 in 2016 and 462 in 2017.

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