Walsh, Kathy and Harvey, Brian (2017) Finding a home: families’ journeys out of homelessness. Dublin: Focus Ireland.
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This research aims to:
• explore the processes and factors that enable families to exit homelessness;
• understand the factors that enable families to sustain these exits;
• understand which elements of Focus Ireland practice are effective and which ones can be improved; and
• explore the impact of the experience of homelessness on families and children.
The study also has a number of specific objectives:
1. Identify and understand factors that resolve homelessness among families: SSUnderstand the factors that facilitate or impede how families access and secure housing.
• Appraise the effectiveness of service responses in facilitating exits out of homelessness among families.
• Understand the capacities of families themselves in the process of exiting homelessness.
• Further our knowledge on sustained exits from homelessness among families.
• Understand ways to support families and children after they transition out of homelessness.
2. Provide Focus Ireland with evidence-based strategies, actions and recommendations to help support families out of homelessness and into secure and sustainable housing.
3. Provide key policy recommendations for government on both the practical and emotional supports that assist families in exiting homelessness and in developing positive life outcomes.
L Social psychology and related concepts > Family > Family and kinship > Family and substance use
L Social psychology and related concepts > Physical context, location or place > Housing
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Social condition > Homelessness > Homeless services
MP-MR Policy, planning, economics, work and social services > Social services > Services for family and children
T Demographic characteristics > Homeless person
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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