Home > HRB National Drugs Library launches new website.

Dunne, Mary (2017) HRB National Drugs Library launches new website. Drugnet Ireland, Issue 62, Summer 2017, p. 37.

PDF (Drugnet issue 62)

The HRB National Drugs Library is a free, open-access resource providing a unique collection of Irish and international research evidence relating to drug and alcohol misuse. You can access our resources and services through our newly redesigned website at www.drugsandalcohol.ie.


As well as our online course directory and search facility, we have three main sections.

  • The key Irish data section draws together the latest information on the Irish situation, with treatment, prevalence and deaths data, factsheets, key reports and newsletters.
  • The practitioner portal makes it easier for those working in the drugs and alcohol area to find publications of particular interest to them. You may access pages by profession or subject of interest.
  • The third section of our new website, research evidence, reflects the need for practitioners, policy-makers and researchers to access key international reports, guidelines and resources. We have also added a glossary and resources for undertaking and critically appraising research. 

Our aim is to enable those involved in health and social care, education, and research to make evidence-informed decisions. We hope that our resources will provide quick and easy access to the latest best evidence.

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