[Department of Health] Minister Corcoran Kennedy launches new HSE website Askaboutalcohol.ie and encourages everyone to manage their own drinking. (07 Mar 2017)
External website: http://www.askaboutalcohol.ie/
Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, TD, Minister of State for Health Promotion is today launching a new website, Askaboutalcohol.ie, along with a Health Service Executive information campaign on alcohol harm.
Minister Corcoran Kennedy said, “There is clear evidence that excessive use of alcohol is associated with poor physical and mental health and well-being. In Ireland, our alcohol consumption levels are high and binge drinking is commonplace. This pattern of drinking is causing significant harm to individuals, their families and society. Alcohol use and misuse is a complicated challenge for society.”
The Minister went on to point out that “Askaboutalcohol.ie and the information campaign are an important first step in enabling people to manage their own drinking. This website and the associated campaign will play an important role in providing public health information on alcohol. Simple yet effective tools like the drinks calculator will empower people to assess their drinking habits and make informed choices to improve their health and wellbeing. I would encourage everyone to go online, get more information and manage their own drinking. The website will also be a useful resource for health services workers and those working in the field.”
The Minister concluded, “We need to reduce our alcohol intake as a nation. The Public Health (Alcohol) Bill will help to address this. The Bill is a measured and evidence-based response to deal with the very real harms caused by alcohol. The Bill provides for: minimum unit pricing to eliminate very cheap alcohol from stores; health labelling on alcohol products to inform consumers; separation in stores to restrict location and visibility; restrictions on advertising and marketing; regulation of sponsorship and regulation of the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol products. I am currently reflecting on the discussions to date in the Oireachtas in relation to the provisions contained in the Public Health Alcohol Bill and I will be bringing the Bill back to the Seanad as soon as possible. I am committed to ensuring that this will be a robust and effective public health measure, which will significantly reduce alcohol misuse in our society.”
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