Csete, Joanne and Kamarulzaman, Adeeba and Kazatchkine, Michel and Altice, Frederick and Balicki, Marek and Buxton, Julia and Cepeda, Javier and Comfort, Megan and Goosby, Eric and Goulão, João and Hart, Carl and Kerr, Thomas and Lajous, Alejandro Madrazo and Lewis, Stephen and Martin, Natasha and Mejía, Daniel and Camacho, Adriana and Mathieson, David and Obot, Isidore and Ogunrombi, Adeolu and Sherman, Susan and Stone, Jack and Vallath, Nandini and Vickerman, Peter and Zábranský, Tomáš and Beyrer, Chris (2016) Public health and international drug policy. The Lancet, 387, /10.1016/S0140-6736(16)00619-X.
External website: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/P...
The Johns Hopkins–Lancet Commission on Drug Policy and Health has sought to examine the emerging scientific evidence on public health issues arising from drug-control policy and to inform and encourage a central focus on public health evidence and outcomes in drug-policy debates, such as the important deliberations of the 2016 UNGASS on drugs.
The Commission is concerned that drug policies are often coloured by ideas about drug use and dependence that are not scientifically grounded. The 1998 UNGASS declaration, for example, like the UN drug conventions and many national drug laws, does not distinguish between drug use and drug misuse. A 2015 report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, by contrast, emphasised that drug use “is neither a medical condition, nor does it necessarily lead to drug dependence”. The idea that all drug use is dangerous and evil has led to enforcement-heavy policies and has made it difficult to see potentially dangerous drugs in the same light as potentially dangerous foods, tobacco, and alcohol, for which the goal of social policy is to reduce potential harms.
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