Home > Merchants Quay Ireland. Annual review 2014.

Merchants Quay Ireland. (2015) Merchants Quay Ireland. Annual review 2014. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland.

The drugs situation remains a very serious and live issue. In 2014 demand for our drug treatment services, both in Dublin and around the country, remained consistently high. During 2014 we provided 24,266 needle exchange interventions, which is a 6% increase on 2013. In total 3,179 individuals accessed the needle exchange, of which 527 were new first time presenters to the service. Similarly, our residential detox and rehabilitation programmes also remained in high demand with a significant increase in referrals to all of these services. Our medically supervised detox service at St. Francis Farm had 64 admissions, 50 male and 14 female, over the course of the year. 69% successfully completed the detox regime. The detox is a national service and the admissions were drawn from nineteen different counties across the country. Both of our residential rehabilitation programmes, High Park and St. Francis Farm, were equally busy during 2014 with 43 and 46 admissions respectively. Again, these admissions were drawn from more than ten counties across the country.

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