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Pike, Brigid (2015) EMCDDA Insights. Drugnet Ireland, Issue 54, Summer 2015, p. 24.

PDF (Drugnet Ireland 54)

In April 2015 the EMCDDA published the 17th in its Insight series – Treatment of cannabis-related disorders in Europe. Opening with an overview of cannabis use and its health effects, the report presents the latest evidence underpinning interventions, maps the availability and provision of cannabis treatment in 30 countries (including Ireland), and compares treatment needs with provision. 


‘Treatment for cannabis-related problems’, states the report, ‘relies primarily on psychosocial approaches combining elements of classical psychotherapy with social support and care.’ To highlight the interventions most likely to succeed, the study weighs up the published evidence on a range of treatment programmes.  It differentiates between those targeting adults and those targeting adolescents, and between cannabis-specific and general substance-use programmes. Telephone and online approaches are among those examined.


No evidence is reported showing the superiority of specific over general treatment, as ‘both approaches can work’. Comparing indicators of treatment needs with treatment provision, the report concludes that, despite exceptions, ‘the overall situation in Europe looks positive’.


First published in 1997, EMCDDA Insights are topic-based reports that bring together current research and study findings on a particular issue in the drugs field.


The Insight reports are available for download athttps://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications-seriestype/insights

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Open Access, Article
Drug Type
Intervention Type
Treatment method
Issue Title
Issue 54, Summer 2015
July 2015
Page Range
p. 24
Health Research Board
Issue 54, Summer 2015

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