Home > EU Public Health Programme 2014-2020: alcohol research.

[European Commission] EU Public Health Programme 2014-2020: alcohol research. (10 Jun 2015)

External website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/d...

Public Health Programme 2014-2020: Funding Health Initiatives 

The Work Plan for the 2015 call of the 3rd Health Programme was published on 2 June 2015. See Work Plan 


The call for proposals for projects was published on Friday, 5 June 2015 and the deadline for submissions is set for 15 September 2015 - 17:00 (Brussels time).


To submit a proposal for a project, the electronic submission system of the EU Research & Innovation Participant Portal is to be used see link. Details of the calls are also available at this link.


The following are the Project Grants which are open:

  • Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing availability of alcoholic beverages
  • Early diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis
  • Early diagnosis of tuberculosis
  • Support for the implementation and scaling up of good practices in the areas of integrated care, frailty prevention, adherence to medical plans and age-friendly communities
  • Common assessment methodology on quality, safety and efficacy of transplantation therapies  

Full details of the Public Health Programme can be found on the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) website here 


If you have any queries on the Public Health Programme, please contact the National Focal Point (NFP), Kay Duggan-Walls at the Health Research Board, kdugganwalls@hrb.ie, Tel 012345187

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