[Department of Health] €2.7m from Dormant Accounts Fund for substance abuse prevention initiatives and to support people with disabilities. (08 Jun 2015)
External website: http://health.gov.ie/blog/press-release/e2-7m-from...
The Department of Health together with the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government announced today that a new round of funding is being made available under the Dormant Accounts Fund. The funds will be used to support people with disabilities and for substance misuse prevention initiatives.
The Department of Health is sponsoring the following five measures, which will be co-ordinated on the Department’s behalf by the Health Service Executive (HSE):
• Local area co-ordination in disability services;
• Advancing best practice in meeting National Standards for Residential Services for People with Disabilities – minor capital and training initiatives;
• Health-related supports to assist young people with disabilities and autism to make the transition from second level education to further education, training, employment;
• Person-centred innovations in the delivery of non-centre based respite services for people with disabilities;
• Substance misuse prevention initiatives.
The measures will be administered and managed by Pobal, who have indicated that applications are open to eligible community and voluntary sector organisations and statutory and other public agencies from 1st July 2015 with a closing date of 22nd July 2015. Applicants for projects in the disability area will be required to contact a nominated HSE representative before submitting their proposals.
Pobal are providing a series of four regional pre-application information meetings which will take place in June. Full details on all measures, the online application process, and how to register for the pre-application meetings are available on Pobal’s website: www.pobal.ie
The measures were welcomed by the Minister of State for Social Care and Primary Care, Kathleen Lynch and the Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin.
Minister Lynch said “I am delighted to support this latest call for applications under the Dormant Accounts Fund. I am pleased to see that one of the measures targets health–related supports to assist young people aged 15 to 24 with disabilities and autism to prepare for the transition to further education, training and employment. At this time of year when young people all over the country are preparing for the transition to the next stage in their lives, the Department of Health and the HSE are committed to supporting young people with disabilities to develop the life-skills they need to avail of mainstream education, training and employment opportunities.”
In relation to the substance abuse prevention measure, Minister Ó Ríordáin commented “I welcome the inclusion of this measure under the Dormant Accounts Fund for substance misuse prevention initiatives. In recognition of the role Local and Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Forces play in supporting local communities to respond to the problem of substance misuse, they have been identified as the key structures through which the measure will be implemented. This funding will enable them to undertake a wide range of coordinated activities aimed at raising awareness of drug and alcohol-related harm in local communities.”
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