Scanlon, Adrian (2014) Pregabalin for detoxification from opioids: a single case study. Mental Health and Substance Use, 7, (4), pp. 263-285.
The objective of this research is to develop a clearer understanding as to whether pregabalin is an appropriate and efficacious method to treat individuals presenting with withdrawal symptoms following cessation of opiate drug abuse. The focus of this study is to identify the value of a particular medicine within a particular case, representative of a particular group. The author has identified the participant in advance of the study to meet criteria of opiate dependence and will explore the dynamics of the case in great detail. The sample for this study was a purposive sample of one female lady who has been diagnosed as opiate dependent (DSM-IV criteria). The analysis of data is an inductive cyclical process that involves a process of observing the particular phenomenon from more general to specific observations. Data analysis commenced with interviews with the patient with emphasis on history taking, information gathering, and treatment. Data analysis will include a cross-tabulation of the subjective and objective data and the measurement of change using an evidence-based rating scale. The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale was used to compare the analysis of the presenting symptoms longitudinally. From the objective data, it was a reasonable assumption that the symptoms of withdrawal were controlled better with pregabalin for the subject of this study. The patient acknowledged that this detoxification episode was “a lot easier than previous ones”. It was a positive response in relation to the prescription of pregabalin that she first of all completed the prescribed detoxification regime and second it was acknowledged that the symptoms were alleviated more effectively than previous detoxification episodes.
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Substance disorder drug therapy (pharmacological treatment)
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Substance replacement method (substitution)
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Detoxification
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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