Perry, Amanda E and Neilson, Matthew and Martyn-St James, Marrissa and Glanville, Julie M and Woodhouse, Rebecca and Godfrey, Christine and Hewitt, Catherine (2019) Interventions for female drug-using offenders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 6, DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010910.pub2.
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Key results:
We identified nine trials of female drug-using offenders. Three studies included evaluations of therapeutic communities in comparison to: i) an alternative sentencing option; ii) a substance misuse educational cognitive skills programme; and iii) gender-responsive substance abuse treatment for women in prison in comparison to standard therapeutic communities. Two studies evaluated community-based management; one compared to standard probation and the other compared to standard parole supervision. Two studies evaluated a cognitive behavioural programme versus treatment as usual and combined cognitive behavioural treatment and acceptance and commitment therapy versus waiting list control. One study of a pharmacological intervention in comparison to a placebo or treatment as usual. One study compared interpersonal psychotherapy to an attention matched control psychoeducational control.
Overall, the findings suggest that any psychosocial treatment in comparison to treatment as usual had an impact on reducing subsequent reincarceration, but not rearrest or drug misuse. We found individual treatment interventions had differing effects. We identified too few studies to evaluate whether the treatment setting (for example, court or community) had an impact on the success of such programmes. Promising results highlight the use of psychosocial treatments in the reduction of reincarceration. No information is provided on the cost and cost-effectiveness of these studies. In conclusion, high quality research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatment options for female drug-using offenders. Further information on the processes involved in the engagement of women mandated to substance abuse programmes, together with evaluations of cost-effectiveness research, will enable policy makers to make informed choices about commissioning the use of adapted programmes specifically targeted at female offenders.
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Treatment outcome
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Treatment and maintenance > Treatment factors
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health care programme, service or facility > Prison-based health service
T Demographic characteristics > Woman (women / female)
T Demographic characteristics > Person in prison (prisoner)
VA Geographic area > International
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