Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 92 - Community employment drug rehabilitation projects [39859/14].

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 92 - Community employment drug rehabilitation projects [39859/14]. (21 Oct 2014)

92. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection the reason those in addiction recovery on community employment drugs rehabilitation schemes, many of whom are early school leavers, are expected to complete the educational level 5 aspects of the scheme in two years; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [39859/14]

Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): Participants who are in addiction recovery and who are referred to a CE drugs rehabilitation place can engage in a wide range of training and development opportunities to assist their overall rehabilitation and re-integration into community and working life. There is no requirement that a referred client in recovery has to complete education or training to a FETAC Level 5 standard in two years or, indeed, while they are on the scheme. All participants work to their own individual learning plan, setting personal learning and progression goals at a level that suits their aptitude and capacity. This is decided between the scheme CE supervisor and the participant over a number of individual meetings. If the Deputy has a query in relation to a specific individual she might get in touch with me with the details. The current duration of participation on CE for these participants can be up to 4 years during which time they can access a range of development opportunities leading to relevant qualifications under the National Qualifications Framework. For early school leavers, compensatory learning objectives are built into their learning plans.

Under the CE programme, there are 1,000 CE places ring-fenced for referred clients as part of this Department’s contribution to the overall National Drugs Strategy. Currently, there are 841 referred clients and 199 support workers on the Drug Rehabilitation CE Strand.

As the Deputy is aware, a stakeholders group chaired by this Department was set up in May, 2013 to inform and advise on the delivery of the drugs rehabilitation response within CE. Membership includes representatives of the community and voluntary sectors, Drug Task Forces and statutory organisations.

Finally, it should be noted that there will be no reduction in the annual CE budget for drug rehabilitation places in 2015 which will remain at circa €15m.

Item Type
Dail Debates
Publication Type
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Rehabilitation/Recovery, Policy
21 October 2014
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