Home > National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2013.

Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Corcoran, Paul and Wall, Amanda and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2014) National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2013. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.

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In 2013, the Registry recorded 11,061 presentations to hospital due to deliberate self-harm nationally, involving 8,772 individuals. Taking the population into account, the age-standardised rate of individuals presenting to hospital following self-harm in 2013 was 199 per 100,000, a 6% decrease on the rate in 2012. This decrease follows successive decreases of 4% and 2% in the rate of self-harm in Ireland in 2011 and 2012, respectively. However, the rate in 2013 was still 6% higher than the pre-recession rate in 2007 (188 per 100,000).

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