[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 567 - Drugs seizures [Cork][32157/14]. (17 Jul 2014)
External website: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20a...
Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if she will provide details on the number of drug seizures in Cork city and county for each of the years 2012, 2013 and to date in 2014; and the quantity, type and value of drug seizures involved. [32157/14]
Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Frances Fitzgerald): I have been informed by the Garda authorities that the appended tables show the quantities and estimated street value of illegal drugs seized in the Cork area for the year 2012, as provided by the Forensic Science Laboratory on the basis of analysis conducted at the Laboratory. I have requested a report from the Garda authorities in relation to the information sought by the Deputy concerning seizures made in 2013 and in 2014 to date which is not readily available. I will contact the Deputy again when the report is to hand.
Garda Drug Seizures Cork County (comprising Cork North and Cork West Garda Divisions) 2012*
Drug type |
Grams/mls/Plant |
Tbls/Squ/Caps |
Value |
Amphetamine |
35 |
- |
€525 |
Anabolic Steroids |
- |
10 |
€6 |
Cannabis Herb |
29,494 |
- |
€589,883 |
Cannabis Plants |
606 |
- |
€484,800 |
Cannabis Resin |
41,862 |
- |
€251,173 |
Cocaine |
65 |
- |
€4,584 |
Depressant |
0 |
481 |
€481 |
Diamorphine |
4 |
- |
€587 |
Ecstasy |
14 |
261 |
€2,926 |
Hallucinogens |
- |
64 |
€640 |
Opioids Other |
- |
1 |
€4 |
Phenethylamines |
373 |
- |
€13,062 |
Piperazine |
1 |
37 |
€174 |
Sleeping Tablets |
- |
5 |
€5 |
Synthetic Cannabinoids |
13 |
413 |
€1,692 |
Synthetic Cathinones |
126 |
- |
€4,393 |
Total |
- |
- |
€1,354,935 |
Garda Drug Seizures Cork City 2012*
Drug Type |
Grams/mls/Plant |
Tbls/Squ/Caps |
Value |
Amphetamine |
632 |
- |
€9,480 |
Anabolic Steroids |
- |
100 |
€60 |
Cannabis Herb |
83,050 |
- |
€1,660,993 |
Cannabis Plant |
152 |
- |
€121,600 |
Cannabis Resin |
292,619 |
- |
€1,755,712 |
Cocaine |
666 |
- |
€46,654 |
Depressant |
40 |
1,636 |
€1,676 |
Diamorphine |
1,252 |
- |
€187,814 |
Ecstasy |
188 |
84,058 |
€683,720 |
Hallucinogens |
- |
7 |
€70 |
Ketamine |
13 |
- |
€886 |
Opioids Other |
294 |
- |
€10,290 |
Phenethylamines |
638 |
- |
€22,347 |
Piperazine |
380 |
7,340 |
€42,660 |
Sleeping Tablet |
97 |
92 |
€189 |
Stimulant |
- |
7,710 |
€61,680 |
Synthetic Cannabinoids |
275 |
- |
€824 |
Synthetic Cathinones |
110 |
- |
€3,865 |
Total |
- |
- |
€4,610,520 |
*An Garda Síochána advise that the statistics provided are operational, provisional and liable to change and that the quantities of drugs tabulated in the above tables are provided by the Forensic Science Laboratory on the basis of records maintained by the Laboratory relating to quantities of drugs analysed at the laboratory and may vary from those provided previously. The estimated street value of the quantities of drugs analysed, are calculated on the basis of current market value of drugs at street level in this jurisdiction, which are subject of regular review by the Garda National Drugs Unit.
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